'gompertzd' provides a way of specifying the derivative of the Gompertz function as a dose-response model.

gompertzd(fixed = c(NA, NA), names = c("a", "b"))



numeric vector. Specifies which parameters are fixed and at what value they are fixed. NAs for parameter that are not fixed.


a vector of character strings giving the names of the parameters (should not contain ":"). The default is (notice the order): a, b.


The derivative of the Gompertz function is defined as

$$ f(x) = a \exp(bx-a/b(exp(bx)-1))$$

For \(a>0\) and \(b\) not 0, the function is decreasing, equaling \(a\) at \(x=0\) and approaching 0 at plus infinity.


The value returned is a list containing the model function, the self starter function and the parameter names.


This function is for use with the function drm.