Display information about available, built-in dose-response models.

getMeanFunctions(noParm = NA, fname = NULL, flist = NULL, display =TRUE)



numeric specifying the number of parameters of the models to be displayed. The default (NA) results in display of all models, regardless of number of parameters.


character string or vector of character strings specifying the short name(s) of the models to be displayed (need to match exactly).


list of built-in functions to be displayed.


logical indicating whether or not the requested models should be displayed on the R console.


The arguments noParm and fname can be combined.


An invisible list of functions or a list of strings with brief function descriptions is returned.


## Listing all functions getMeanFunctions()
#> Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) with lower limit at 0 and upper limit at 1 #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.2 #> #> Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) with lower limit at 0 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.3 #> #> Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) with upper limit at 1 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.3u #> #> Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.4 #> #> Generalized log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) #> (5 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.5 #> #> Weibull (type 1) with lower limit at 0 and upper limit at 1 #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': W1.2 #> #> Weibull (type 1) with lower limit at 0 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': W1.3 #> #> Weibull (type 1) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': W1.4 #> #> Weibull (type 2) with lower limit at 0 and upper limit at 1 #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': W2.2 #> #> Weibull (type 2) with lower limit at 0 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': W2.3 #> #> Weibull (type 2) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': W2.4 #> #> Brain-Cousens (hormesis) with lower limit fixed at 0 #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': BC.4 #> #> Brain-Cousens (hormesis) #> (5 parameters) #> In 'drc': BC.5 #> #> Log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) with lower limit at 0 and upper limit at 1 #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.2 #> #> Log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) with lower limit at 0 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.3 #> #> Log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) with upper limit at 1 #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.3u #> #> Log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.4 #> #> Generalised log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) #> (5 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.5 #> #> Asymptotic regression with lower limit at 0 #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': AR.2 #> #> Shifted asymptotic regression #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': AR.3 #> #> Michaelis-Menten #> (2 parameters) #> In 'drc': MM.2 #> #> Shifted Michaelis-Menten #> (3 parameters) #> In 'drc': MM.3 #>
## Listing all functions with 4 parameters getMeanFunctions(4)
#> Log-logistic (ED50 as parameter) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL.4 #> #> Weibull (type 1) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': W1.4 #> #> Weibull (type 2) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': W2.4 #> #> Brain-Cousens (hormesis) with lower limit fixed at 0 #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': BC.4 #> #> Log-logistic (log(ED50) as parameter) #> (4 parameters) #> In 'drc': LL2.4 #>
## Listing all (log-)logistic functions getMeanFunctions(fname = "L") ## Listing all three-parameter (log-)logistic or Weibull functions getMeanFunctions(3, fname = c("LL", "W")) ## Listing all four-parameter (log-)logistic or Weibull functions getMeanFunctions(4, fname = c("LL", "W"))